What are harmonics in management?

“Harmonics in management are the way in which initiatives are multiplied within teams to meet the operational needs of an organization.”
This is what a harmonic in management would be for In Imago.

Link between harmonics in management and harmonics in music

The video below describes harmonics in music as a multiple of the fundamental frequency. The amplification of the frequency by all the instruments gives the melody.

In our approach to strategic management, we show the evolutions over time of management and propose in management X.0 an evolution towards harmonocracy.

As a reminder, the definition of strategic management is to build the vision of the company over the long term, taking into account its resources and their adaptability to a volatile market while ensuring the development and well-being of those who serve the business.

Why implement harmonics in management?

Everyone today is in search of meaning. Allow the individual to express his note, his tension, his uniqueness in the realization of a common project, a common work. Giving everyone their place and leading the whole allows a harmonious adjustment of skills and the realization of a unique work …

Therefore, harmonics in management would be the way in which the operational needs of an organization multiply within teams, thus forming its DNA and its corporate culture.

How to create harmonics in your organizations?

1-Establish a learning culture by supporting your management towards a smooth transition

As in a breath, as a manager, I breathe in and build and, in an exhale I transmit.

The model below is our 4-step interpretation of two Japanese concepts Shu Ha Ri and Chadō.

This approach allows managers and their teams to enter into a learning organization process and to set up flexible transition management, promoting the emergence of autonomous teams and the emergence of Agile values.

The left part, Shu Ha Ri Do, allows in a cycle of 4 stages, to implement a lasting and wanted change, then to evolve towards the co-construction by having acquired the necessary wisdom to listen attentively to what is proposed by the team.

The cycle continues and improves as the respective learning progresses.

This model has enabled us in each of our experiences in digital transformation, to bring operational management and strategic management to align.

This model makes it possible to deploy teams by relying on a metaphor such as the Hero’s journey or Formula in the automotive sector to deploy a learning culture appropriate to the environment in which we operate.

The management, having acquired the traditional wisdom, invites the teams on the path of tea and to co-construct the products with their customers, in full autonomy.

Intelligence Emotionnelle
Become aware of each other; speaking with intention and listening with attention are the basics of emotional management
  • Shu (守:しゅ?, “protect”, “obey”) —traditional wisdom – learn the fundamentals
  • Ha (破:は?, “detach oneself”, “digress”) — break with tradition – find exceptions to traditional wisdom, find new approaches
  • Ri (離:り?, “quit”, “to part”) — transcend – there is no traditional technique or wisdom, all movements are allowed.
  • D0 – Be yourself and be ready in turn to teach and welcome by taking the chadō, the way of tea

2- Generate harmonics

Become aware of each other; speaking with intention and listening with attention are the bases of emotional management and could be the bases of strategic management 4.0

In our approach, and in particular through the metaphor of the “Hero’s Journey”, we offer operational managers 3 trips. The managers are heads of villages. As such, they are invited to go through trials and get together to discuss their travel diary and learn new things together, see details of the program.

In cooperative mode,

  • The managers will bring out a leadership adapted to the new, more volatile generations and take action
  • Managers will build governance and learning processes to drive a lasting transformation, to bring together teams through the production of initiatives.
  • The managers will thus bring about a coherent strategic management and an adaptive culture adapted to the context in which the company operates.

Activation of harmonics

The activation of harmonics is based on the principle of the autonomous team. Each team finds its source of motivation in its daily involvement, in the sense of the work given to deliver customer added value. The team becomes free to propose and implement its initiatives favored by governance and learning processes

Managers engaged in a digital transformation, a transformation of the organization must have asked themselves the question of their management style and their belonging to the strategic management of the company.

If the market in which the company operates is complex, uncertain, and technologies are pushing for changes in industrial processes, the company in its strategic management will opt for the implementation of a customer culture.

Customer culture requires that at any level of the company, the customer is at the center of the concerns of the organization. The company will then be seduced by Agile values ​​and the establishment of autonomous teams aimed at increasing its time-to-market and strengthening customer ties.

As the management has started to evolve, the teams will be committed to expressing themselves and gaining autonomy in the implementation of their project and in the direct relationship with their client.

The above program allows precisely, in listening, to hand over to the teams to allow the establishment of a customer culture then an adaptive organic culture.

The internal, external customer, each individual in the Client-Centric process is seen as a conscious actor: an intra-taking, inspiring.

It emerges from this collective conscience to act, the values ​​of efficient companies where each in his FLOW brings his contribution to the collective work, to the emergence of a Flower of life for an organic business.

Read also towards a living management

Managers will be able, through the Infinity Risk game, to simulate strategies and identify the mergers and modifications of organizations necessary for the scaling up of a sustainable Agile transformation.

Learn more about Infinity Risk for decision makers to embody change and what they want to see in their teams. Author: Dominique Popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.