The resilience of VSEs and SMEs is set up spontaneously. The complete shutdown of the French economy forces them to re-invent themselves. Creativity is released. VSE-PME renew and adapt
taking into account the quote from Boris Cyrulnik
“Resilience is the ability to succeed, live and develop despite adversity” Boris Cyrulnik
I would particularly like to salute here the companies in the event sector and in particular 3 of my partners who regularly make me work in Game Coaching, Team Building and Play Training.
Supporting companies in the 10 points of resilience is proving to be a challenge in large companies. While I find them spontaneously with my partners, VSEs and SMEs.
Resilience of VSEs and SMEs: 10 points to activate
Very small and medium-sized businesses naturally implement the 10 points of resilience below. They are entering digital, introducing virtual markets into their daily lives, reinventing their business to remain open from a distance.

- Point 1 – Distribution channels : each of its companies, turned mainly towards the outside world, towards their customers has rethought its distribution channels, by repositioning their offer locally (partnership with local newspapers, etc.) and by increasing their presence on social networks.
- Point 2-Offer : the offer has been completely redesigned to take into account “public health” rules and those of emerging customer needs. The offer has grown, enriched by the opportunities offered by the context:
- like at Loisir Loire Valley by investing in natural routes for summit meetings. Open paths, to develop upward communication (those perched in trees, protected by nets) and downward (those below, feet on the ground), simulate customer journeys and for example, solve information transmission problems, in particular intra services.
- or as at Agence Paloma et Gilher by creating with their partner Team Buildings and fun remote training courses that meet the needs of creating links with remote employees, sometimes in distress.
- Points 3 and 4- Customer Relations and customer needs : contact is maintained across the chain even increasing the frequency of calls and ingenuity to meet emerging business needs. Maintaining a flood of opportunities and keeping their partners in good financial health is their leitmotif. I salute here their courage and their stubbornness to maintain this link with everyone and build this bridge towards tomorrow.
- Points 5 and 6 – Revenue base and cost structure The revenue base and cost structure are revised to open up to new markets and integrate current constraints (public health, customers in difficulty, markets in dull …)
- Points 7- Skills Train to anticipate, establish a close dialogue with teams and partners to strengthen and develop skills based on the desire of each to help with this crisis. Innovation is to be welcomed.
- Points 8-9-10 establish new partnerships, integrate digital technology and remote work, learn to motivate remotely and deal with unprecedented stressful situations, review your organization and re-invent daily work … Challenges met
Bravo to them for their resilience and the support they gave me during these months of confinement.
The recovery will naturally go through these very small and medium-sized businesses which show respect for their employees, their partners and their customers on a daily basis.
Think of event companies to revive your meetings and maintain human contact and contact with nature where it is still possible. They will also be able to support you in the implementation of telework and hybrid work in an innovative and resilient way.
and, let yourself be surprised!
Author: Dominique Popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach,
Founder of In Imago management consultancy and disruptive transformation.