Each company highlights the identity and local impact of its products in its communication campaigns. Web-marketing and employer branding campaigns show the importance of an ethical and authentic company in its relationships. Trans’Formations are at every door, at every step that strategic management wishes to take.
Authenticity is the value most sought after by customers today. He feels invested with a mission that makes sense for him. Giving a face to the men and women who are your collaborators or partners on a daily basis is the beginning of Trans’Formations, a transformation towards a living movement in which everyone could express themselves and contribute.
It’s a great start, you must now integrate the entire value chain and digital technology into your DNA.
I offer you the Trans’Formations Ago courses. You will discover here an example of support for the establishment of a customer culture. These are courses that we are building together. Training engineering is designed in terms of experimentation and setting in motion in your context.
The courses are cocktails resulting from 10 years of team support, Agile coaching at scale, motivational coaching and support in strategic management. This cocktail is mixed to assemble face-to-face on your subjects and distance learning for feedback and theoretical learning. Everything is gathered on the In Imago site.
Why choose Trans’Formations?
1.My clients choose them for the energy and confidence brought to each of the players who engage in a Trans’Formation. As a coach, I am adopted (or not). It allows everyone to feel comfortable and to give the best of themselves. Supporting teams leads them to intuitively use, in an experiment, techniques from Lean (continuous improvement), Agile (real-time production), digital marketing, or breathing and emotional intelligence techniques inviting them to challenge their posture.
2.For proven expertise in transforming complex organizations in order to engage employees and their managers to experiment with other organizational models.
3.To learn by experimenting, turning their ideas into products, then the products into success.
4.To lay the foundations for an adaptive culture, on the move.
What are the Trans’Formations In Imago?
In Imago is a personalized support offer, dedicated to the company, from individual coaching to collective transformation. It is a complete Trans’Formations program that supports you, from executive management, to the team, to the individual.
In Imago was born under the impetus of one of my former Airbus bosses who wanted to maintain, during the periods of resale of the group’s subsidiaries, the skills in place and encourage creativity and innovation. Periods during which, traditionally, employees disengage. The 3 A’s that are Airbus, Ald and Axa have made it possible to set up In Imago as an experimentation laboratory for new organizational models and Blended Learning training. In Imago is a hub that brings together autonomous and independent people (freelancers and partner companies) which allows us to offer, in a pool of agreed days, the right person at the right time. Learn more about In Imago, its history.
Who are our clients?
Our customers are Airbus D&S, Ald Automotive, Louis Vuitton, Renault, Bolloré, Axa, OuiDou … and each employee on the move, or each boss of evolving startups … We offer them support in the implementation of a management alive, says X.0.
The integration of emotions leads everyone to organize themselves to develop new products, set up digital laboratories and contextual agility or, better still, the bases of a living management. I also support startups Ysance, Weeliz, Vrai Media ….
Each story is captivating. Each company is endearing, through its diversity, its product, its complexities, its problems to be solved …
How In Imago constructs its offers?
In Imago co-constructs with its clients the experimentation courses adapted to their context and according to the employees concerned. The CEO and the management committee will prefer executive coaching and joint workshops for members of the executive management. This support often results in the reflection of “Building a new world” with the teams.
This program gradually sets the company in motion, in Trans’Formations. The co-construction of the course makes it possible to choose the metaphors most suited to the context of the company as well as the content of the experiments in the context of the learners.
In banks and insurance companies, the hero’s journey metaphor works well because these companies want to change managerial behavior to welcome new generations while deploying digital technology and associated services.
In the automotive industry, I used the metaphor of Formula 1 to animate the challenge on the savings to be made.
Building a new world is the metaphor I used at Louis Vuitton, Airbus and Ald. This metaphor also structures my coaching offers for the development of communities as actors of collaborative commitment to the vision of the company. This metaphor, in its construction, allows to visit its strategy, its strategic management to federate, introduce customer culture and market segmentation then experiment. Many companies wish to impact “the world” for healthier, more responsible consumption, while offering their employees a more cooperative workspace with respect for everyone.
The gains for each of the companies supported are the (re) motivation of the teams, the development of their creativity in the service of the implementation of new products and services, the creation of committed multisite communities, the establishment of a learne adaptive culture, integrating the customer at the heart of production.
How would you like to work with In Imago?
What would be the most suitable metaphor for you? The hero’s journey, in which each member of your strategic management becomes a mentor on a company’s ethical journey, an experimental customer journey integrating social distancing? Each of your agencies could contribute to an immense challenge between inter-sites. The animation could be repeated on your website, on social networks throughout the year.
Ou peut-être aimeriez vous travailler sur les 10 points de résilience d’une entreprise pour bondir vers un business organique ou encore découvrir les différents axes de votre Trans’Formations dans un parcours découverte ?
Maybe you would like to work on the 10 points of resilience of a company to jump towards an organic business or to discover the different axes of your Trans’Formations in a discovery course?
With In Imago, it is you who choose the Trans’Formations courses and we co-construct them with you. In Imago is a mixed training organization.
Let’s talk about it during a meeting, stay connected and discover the moving world In Imago.