The course book

The course book is like a logbook. It is the common thread of scattered ideas and concepts. It will be your note book but also your exercise book. It will allow you to focus your attention. You may come back to it later. Like a companion you haven’t seen for a long time, it will deliver a story, which full meaning may have escaped you. Or quite simply will you have forgotten it!

This notebook gathers your mood notes, your intention, your ambition but also your thoughts on the different themes that you will choose to discover in this blog or in the Trans’Formations courses.

Course book, support of our intuition

The free “Bondir” discovery trail allows you to use a course book to perform the exercises in your context. Get ready to play! Let your imagination run free, let yourself be carried away by your context without trying to understand the entire training. See how, intuitively, without trying to do well, you can let yourself be carried away by this course book.
“Bondir” est une proposition pour jongler avec processus et parties prenantes

Use this training to be inspired, to free yourself from a framework and offer yourself a moment of creative breathing, while going to meet your points of resilience.

Where you see a lack of direction, where you want to dig deeper into a subject, where you want to bring your own knowledge of the subject, where you want to say I already know, or where you do not understand anything. Dig with an insider look.

Imagine yourself as an observer. Perhaps you will discover there a side of your personality that you do not see but that others know well … Then, you will open a window, that of Johari perhaps or yours, the one that opens on a return to self.

Write down what you would like to find and aside, ask yourself why you are missing it. What settings are you looking for? Why is it important? How “Bondir”, in its philosophy, in its structure, in its openness, in its concepts, is too or too little illustrated?

With those margin notes in place, enter Day 1-Bondir. Of course, you can go through the 3 days and then come back to the exercises. But then you give up looking back on yourself, analyzing your own business context as an observer and you might close the door to an experience.

One day is a long time and it runs by fast at the same time … Rethink your organization, inspire others, find your motivation, move silos, motivate, think outside the box, are the possibilities that you explore with this notebook. Try !

Plan your adventure

Plan your adventure
Find yourself 150 years back and imagine your adventure, without Internet, without computer, without advertising board… You are Ferdinand de Lesseps and you want to open a canal in Egypt, between Port-Said, in the Mediterranean and the city of Suez .

Or, imitate Leonardo da Vinci. Defying technology and spirituality, his notebooks are full of inventions that have taken shape over the centuries.

Give yourself the chance, like them, to unleash your imagination and believe for a moment that anything is possible!

By taking your creativity at the source, the course book will gradually lead you to outline your intentions and make visible your ambition as a leader, but also as team-mates. Let yourself be inspired by this vintage fashion! Your adventure is recounted in notebooks and your sketches are real graphics which trace the adventure.

The fabulous and perilous adventure of the Suez Canal

DIAPORAMA - La fabuleuse et périlleuse aventure du canal de Suez
The behemoths of the seas, up to 400 meters long and weighted with thousands of containers, rush without running aground in the 22-meter-deep and 300-meter-wide canal, which is a matter of very high mastery. Only the thousand Egyptian pilots of the Suez Canal Authority know all the pitfalls.

Upstream of the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of the canal created by Ferdinand de Lesseps, “The Epic of the Suez Canal” is an incredible saga of the piercing of the isthmus which is told to us in a watercolor sketchbook.

It has also become the adventure of a company whose Saga continues. The story of the Suez Foundation starts here. Then the turn of energy is taken with Engie, the transition is underway to put the customer at the center of the value creation process.

Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks

Sketches, mirror writing make the discovery of Leonardo da Vinci’s work complex. Yet a few got caught up in the game and inspired by these notebooks revolutionized history. These digital notebooks are now accessible to everyone.

The adventure of Leonardo da Vinci is also to be discovered in the Loire Valley, at Clos Lucé. The richness of his technological, spiritual, graphic and painting discoveries are highlighted there. Let yourself be seduced!

Another look

It is another look that you allow yourself in this adventure. Live it in conscience. Choose this rollback by using a paper version.

Copy this freedom of thought. Set out to conquer your Being, without limiting beliefs.

Practice spontaneous writing; find out how to boost your creativity