The self-determined enterprise is an enterprise inscribed in its present, determined in its acts. A responsible company, probably in an ethical sense. Resilience is the ability of companies to overcome a crisis by accepting the impact of the present as an inescapable reality, adapting and modifying its organization to meet the needs of emerging markets. The present reinforces the company in its determination, the company is self-determined.
Generally, companies integrate risk management more or less well into their organization according to 4 major points:
- Imagine disaster scenarios: characterize the notion of crisis, think the unthinkable, build a crisis unit (organization, operation and management) and master crisis communication.
- Develop collective intelligence to develop an internal network united around a corporate culture of mutual aid.
- Identify Weak Signals: Understand business vulnerabilities and determine critical activities.
- Test the different scenarios imagined in point 1 and study how everyone reacts during the exercises. Adapt the risk management plan. All these areas for improvement are normally the subject of an action plan in order to remedy the malfunctions identified and thus establish its competitiveness.
These plans are certainly useful but they are a representation of the past. To project itself, strategic management must go beyond action plans to carry out the action even in full complexity.
Strategic management must mobilize action. It becomes an actor in a company, in the present, self-determined in his choices and in his ability to react.
What is self-determined company?
Self-determination is the ability to generate motivation in a natural, intrinsic way. Everyone’s efforts go towards self-realization as a being.
Being is lived in the present. A self-determined individual is present. S(HE) IS. Thus, he engages others to be, to realize themselves. Everyone is there, present to what is happening, to what needs to be done, to overall cooperation.
The company is self-determined when each stakeholder joins forces and collaborates to create an environment of cooperation where everyone expresses themselves without fear, without constraint. Everyone’s ideas are respected, and emotional intelligence rules. Strategic management sets everyone’s resilience in motion, the ability to mobilize and collaborate, thus bringing the company into the present.
The present strengthens the company in its determination and it hammers its mark at every step. It becomes self-determined.
For this, the company no longer offers a job but a common work where everyone is freely involved in building a future that begins in the present.
The 4 points of self-determination are:

1- Silence the judgment
2-Take action without trying to be right, to impose the path
3- Be the movement so that each effort undertaken bears fruit
4- Have faith in everyone’s ability to be part of a common construction
Self-Determined Enterprise: 1, 2, 3, Ready…Go!
Companies, employees are in search of meaning. As Edgar Morin said, in his book Pour une crisologie, “Today it is a question of deepening the crisis of consciousness in order to finally bring out the consciousness of the crisis”.
Today, bringing out individual consciousness, self-determination to engage teams in an uncertain future, is the challenge of the company X.O.
Facing the present, writing one’s resilience on a daily basis, reassuring, uniting and engaging are the next challenges of strategic management. The period we are living in is unprecedented, the calm is fragile, people are injured, businesses are on a drip.
The company’s memory on the capitalization of its exercises and past crises and the involvement of strategic management and teams will make it possible to build a resilient system. Yes, if, and only if, cooperation takes place at all hierarchical levels. Each individual must be authentic so that emotions are integrated and taken into account in a desire to bring out authenticity and effective collaboration.
Entreprise X.0
Company X.0 is the cradle of Artificial Intelligence and organic growth where all stakeholders cooperate and create a common work that will go beyond the boundaries of the company, opening the door to intra-clientelism . The customer will become intra-stakeholder in the same way as the employee. The whole working for the genesis of an organic flower of life where the common work will replace the work.
Strategic management will support everyone and will bring out a living, harmonious management allowing the emergence of an organic, receptive and reactive system. As in nature, cooperation could emerge, you just have to compose in the present!
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