Dynamics: Digital and Art of Living

Dynamics of cities

Does the dynamics of cities involve a choice between digital and lifestyle? In the course of our experience, we will feed this article, following the experiments carried out in the Centre Val de Loire, a region neighbouring Paris. The cities of Orléans, Blois and Tours are competing to offer a land of history, a haven of peace for experiences in slow tourism and stand out in the hydrogen race.

Digital and 5G

At a time when mobility is reduced by health constraints, regions that share an Art of Living are a land of welcome for green teleworking.

The deployment of 5G is gaining momentum: 4,000 cities in France are now covered by one or more operators, according to the latest figures from the Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques (Arcep). To find out if you live in a city where 5G is picked up, the mobile plan comparator Ariase has published an interactive map that lists all the areas covered.

For example, in Blois, in the Loir-et-Cher, 5G is only available at Free. The roll-out of the fibre will be completed in 2022 in neighbouring rural areas.

Or Art of Living

Renaissance and Val de Loire

Will equity between cities depend solely on the level of digital equipment of the regions or will the art of living be established to offer a greener, cooperative alternative? An experience to live.

The landscape of the Val de Loire, and more particularly its many cultural monuments, illustrates to an exceptional degree the ideals of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment on the thought and creation of Western Europe. This is what earned it its inscription on the Unesco World Heritage List.

The new renaissance of the territory is somewhat halted by the health crisis. But, with large spaces, a dynamic region and Leonardo da Vinci, the Re-Birth page is only opening up.

Agile in centre Val de Loire offers experiments and workshops to see differently, contact us to find out more.

VENDOME (41) gives its name to Louis Vuitton.

Vendome, famous perfume is a muse in Marketing. So, the city rocked by the Loir and the old stones, restores its image by being adopted in its turn.

If this sale rages some, the use is indeed at the center of this decision. sell yourself, to shine..