Take part in Enchanting our tomorrows!
Respect, Health and Performance are in our hands. It is up to us, individually on a daily basis, to highlight what tomorrow will bring.
Let’s enchant our tomorrows by promoting harmony within our organization
- Promoting harmony within our organizations allows us to implement creativity and collective commitment by connecting ideas between things and individuals.

- Harmony is the sum of our differences, it is born within the framework of the positive contradiction and by the addition of our points of view. Discover the C.I.D.s: Courage, intuition, Challenge and common sense to build your collective hero’s journey and let’s enchant our tomorrow by transforming the company in an adaptive way.

- Let us enchant our tomorrow by generating a harmonic organization and preserving harmony between people, ideas, professions and things.
- Let’s build our future and our professions of tomorrow by generating harmony in the construction of an adaptive corporate culture. Discover the different changes in management models over time in our vision of strategic management. You will discover the culture and the management style that you want to promote on a daily basis in your context.
- Jouez avec nous à Infinity Risk pour simuler une culture adaptative et identifier les points de transformations de vos organisations.
- Play Infinity Risk with us to simulate an adaptive culture and identify transformation points in your organizations.

Author: Dominique Popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.