Being present to yourself begins by stopping judgment on what is positive and what is not. By saying stop categorizing your emotions, you are giving yourself feedback. You are present in your body and you start to be conscious of what happens in yours.
You become complicit with your emotions again, and … enter into a natural emotional communication with those around you. Accomplice emotions, emotions rediscovered video support of 4 exercises to be done alone or in a team
Exercise 1- Explore the emotion behind the scene
Watch this video, a silent film, to see as an invitation to dialogue with yourself, or as a team. It is a moment of accomplice with you, together, to take its In-flight.
This ice-breaker is done remotely or face-to-face.
Take time to face with your emotions. The video “Emotional communication”above shows you 6 silent scenes. These scenes evoke emotions.
Each scene has 1 number. Identify the emotion behind the number. Write it down on a piece of paper.
Then, ask to you at this present time, which one is closer to your mood.
In group,
1- Ask everyone, individually to idendify the emotions behind the number and write it on a piece of paper,
2- Then ask everyone for each number in the video to assign a name to the emotion.
3- Remotely write separately the figure 1 to 6 on a virtual board and ask people to assign emotions for each number.
4- Ask the team to select a mood using the numbers, and write the first letter of their name closer to the number selected.
5- Then ask the participants to exchange the emotional register they have thought of. And why this choice? What emotions did they choose to find? By sharing with others, you may find gaps in the story. Each people, with this exercise could be more conscious on what is behing the emotion. And take care to the other.
Duration : 10 to 20 minutes
Exercise 2- Emotions that are accomplices for dialogue with oneself
1- Take a notebook, and watch the video.
2- For each silent scene, numbered 1 through 4, write down the emotion you think of while watching the video.
3- Hold your eyes closed for a minute, the thought turned inside of you.
3- Watch the video a second time. Note for each scene, if a point lights up in you: pain, want to stretch, yawn, a thought like ha, I forgot or your mind wanders …
4- Put the pen down, and again keep your eyes closed for a minute or more.
5- Write down in yourself or on the paper, the state of mind you are in after the exercise
You are complicit with your emotions
Exercise 3- Mood board, trend table, team barometer
You liked it so maybe you’ll want to use it to build your trend book … emotional or even create a team barometer.
-The trend book: this allows you to follow your trends day after day. The picture after picture book, drawing after drawing, will become an accomplice in your interior atmosphere. By rediscovering it later, perhaps you will find in this trend book, an atmosphere, an emotion that is more familiar to you …
-The team barometer: this fact in inclusion, and allows them to move from their inner self to their collective self. This makes it possible in particular to enter into a collaborative dynamic by getting rid of what was cluttering you at the start of the session …
Exercise 4- Head-Heart-Body
An exercise to identify, in each moment, where I am… In my body.
-Head, heart, body