An effective and intuitive way to project yourself on your objectives over 4 seasons with this effective game coaching.
Relax and project yourself on your year, without thinking of obstacles that would spoil your desire to achieve all that you will put on this game of the 4 seasons.
To complete this game, cut one A3 sheet (poster) in 4 parts (one part per season)
For each season, you will put quantified objectives, concrete objectives of missions / coaching and concrete actions to achieve all that. You write all this on post it of 3 colors. One idea by post-it.
As concise as possible, intermediate tasks are not necessary for this exercise. Think as if it were done: 3 signed … contracts is a goal, Prospecting on recommendation is an action allowing you to reach your goal …
1- Note CA objectives per month on post-its a color
2- Note mission / coaching / other goals on post-it notes of another color
3- Note what you will do to get these missions and have the corresponding CA.
You can reverse 1) and 2) if it speaks to you more in this way.
You come with your poster of 4 seasons and post-it indicating objectives and actions for each quarter.
Author : Dominique popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.