4 wishes for your business

Give your business the attention it deserves by taking the time to start 2022 with the right mindset. In this article, we share with you some tips that we have found to be useful. Entrepreneurs, Managers, Bosses, take the time to take stock before deciding whether to pick up where you left off or if you are starting a turn at … 20.30, 180 °.

Wish #1… Adopt an income-generating mindset

Start by changing the way you think about your business and the way you think about money. Many people suffer from impostor syndrome when starting a new business. Many others have financial bottlenecks and feel they don’t deserve to charge what they are really worth or think they weren’t meant to earn more than a certain income.

Others still make the assumption that they are not up to the task … Well, think again! If you move away from the assumption that each must be a clone of the other and admit that diplomas are pretenses that give some form of legitimacy, then you can overcome these blockages and offer the right price for your services.

Therefore, the key to getting more customers and being successful in your business is to sell yourself with the product or service you are offering. Define an offer that suits you! Be authentic and get involved! then use inbound techniques to make yourself known.

Wish #2… Change your general state of mind

Running a business is new and it can be scary if you’ve never done it before. Perhaps this is the reason why so many new business owners suffer from impostor syndrome, meaning they feel unworthy, not good enough, or like an impostor.

One tip for combating impostor syndrome is to focus on your strengths, gifts, talents, and everything you love about yourself. This positive attitude puts you in the right frame of mind to start a business and to live your life.

  • What’s the thing you’re most good at?
  • What is your greatest talent?
  • What are you really proud of?

Wish #3… Be clear about what you want

Author and career coach Jenny Blake left a successful career at Google to start her own business and she’s never looked back! Jenny recommends using mind mapping to clearly define your career goals (and goals for all other aspects of your life) at the start of each year. Mind maps are diagrams that connect pieces of related information around a specific topic.

You can create a mind map around your professional goals for the year and why not include your wishes for other aspects of your life including family, friendships, health, fitness, etc.

Mind mapping : 5 principles

  1. In the center, pose your subject
  2. According to your inspiration, let go as many branches of this center as you have ideas. Do not hold yourself back … pose the main themes that you want to explore with your company
  3. To each of the branches you have created, add secondary branches by adding keywords
  4. Illustrate your keywords with an image. The image will support your mind map and bring it to life
  5. You can add to your keywords in addition to the image, sensations, smells … The more your 5 senses will be stimulated by your creation, the more the keywords will enter into your reality, in the present

You can also consider establishing a wheel of life to determine the balances that are important for you to maintain in your business.

Build your Business world

Creating your environment requires living your projections in real time. Here are some examples in the attached pdf to organize your collection of ideas for success, as a team. The document is in English

The 4 seasons of my startup

Depending on your keywords established using your mind map, take it a step further by adding the impactful action and the quarter-by-quarter revenue you want to generate with these new ideas.

Read more

Starter, the kits for a good start

Want to be accompanied to explore these different themes

Wish #4… Slow down

A theme common to many entrepreneurs is the idea of performance. And if, quite simply, the performance was an opportunity to slow down. Slow down, to observe and to make the right decisions.

Take the time to Leap! This is the key to both your efficiency and your entrepreneurial resilience.

Prenez le temps d’accompagner vos équipes pour leur donner l’opportunité de prendre leurs envols. Laissez-vous séduire par leur proposition plutôt que d’imposer vos idées. Ajouter leur compétences aux vôtres!

Take the time to support your teams to give them the opportunity to take off. Let yourself be seduced by their proposal rather than imposing your ideas. Add their skills to yours!

Take the time to learn.

Our discovery trails, online, free

Your business is more than just a hobby. It’s a lifestyle. It is a passionate project. It’s something that you believe in. And it is also the key that will allow you to live the life of your dreams. Keep your reasons for owning a business in mind when setting your goals for this year, and work towards achieving your goals and vision for your business success every day.